1 hour coaching call


entrepreneur edition

Its like having an entrepreneur bff on speed dial! It's me, i'm the bff!

How often do you feel stuck or uncertain and just wish that you had someone you could ask questions to?

I know I feel like that almost daily. That is one of the reasons I have invested in coaching for myself. To connect me to other entrepreneurs and create accountability and support as I grow into the next version of me! And I want that for you too!

This one hour power coaching session will provide you with support, clarity and more confidence in the direction of your dreams. We can dive into any aspect of your business (or life!) that I can help with. It's completely up to you where the call takes us!

I may not know exactly what we'll discuss (yet!) but I do know that we will create momentum towards your goals and you will leave the call feeling empowered.

What is your clarity and confidence worth? How much would it mean to you to be supported for a full dedicated hour? Let's get on a call and make moves!

Why you might hop on a call…

  • You're walking through something BIG and wish you had someone to walk with you so it wasn't so lonely
  • You have dozens of nagging questions that you'd love to rapid fire ask an experienced entrepreneur
  • You aren't sure where you are at or where you want to go and you'd love some clarity and confidence on your direction and dreams 
  • You know EXACTLY where you want to go but it feels impossible and you haven't a clue where to start

What's included in the 1 hour private coaching Call?


One 60 minute call completely dedicated to anything you'd like to talk about on your entrepreneurial journey!


Completely customized coaching support 


Sharing resources and ideas for next steps!

Meet your coach!

Hollis English is an Entrepreneur Coach and Speaker with over 2 decades of experience in entrepreneurship and business. She cannot remember ever not being an entrepreneur. From childhood farm stands, to running a swim school to co-owning Murphy’s Farm Market and Bakery for 14 years, she has experienced so much growth and learned endless amounts along the way. 

She uses all the knowledge and insight she has gained to help support her clients the business and lifestyle vision and the supporting mindset tools to bring it all to life! Her big sister energy leaves her clients feeling loved on, lifted up and seen. She works with clients in both a one-on-one basis and is launching her group program in the Spring! 

She believes kindness and empathy are the keys to great leadership and building genuine connections with others is what life (and business) is all about. She is mom to 4 children under the age of 10, married to her husband of almost 13 years and is endlessly grateful for the support of her family through all of her entrepreneurial adventures.

She loves all things vintage or floral and is always losing her keys (or her phone) and we love her anyways.

Hollis English

In just one hour, you will get clear on where you're headed and start moving on your ideas and dreams to make them a reality!


* price includes HST


With this one hour coaching intensive its like having a business best friend in your pocket! It will fast track you to where you want to be. The only question is, what is your dream life worth to you? 

Client testimonials

Katharine marr

Hollis is an incredible heart-centred leader and coach.  She truly listens and sees the best possible potential in people.  Even when they can’t see it in themselves.  She then leads them to let it flourish!  

steve watt

She is a most genuine, caring individual that speaks with great emotion from the heart. Hollis is not afraid to pull back the curtain and discuss life-altering issues.

terri dentz

Hollis empowered me to define and pursue my goals with clarity and confidence. To me the most valuable part of working together was that I felt so much less alone and overwhelmed in my small business management role.


Do I have to be an entrepreneur to benefit from this offer?

Definitely not! My coaching is applicable to anyone looking to make a shift in their career and/or lifestyle! It is all mindset work and leading yourself first to get where you want to go! 

What can I expect if I join?

When you join, you can expect my full commitment to you and your goals. I will hold you to your highest self and lift you up when you can't see it for yourself. I am invested in your dreams! 

Is there a refund policy?

There are no refunds offered for our coaching packages. Your commitment is required to get the results you are looking for with my support and resources!

What is expected of me if I join?

The commitment of your time and resources to the process and to be accountable to your word.

Where is the session held?

All sessions are on held on Zoom so we can meet anytime from wherever you are!

Can I upgrade or continue after my call?


Add a full month here or upgrade to a 3 month commitment here!

more questions?

If you have any additional questions and would like to book a discovery call, send me an email and we will connect! 

hollis [at] hollisenglish.ca